What FRANdata Thinks

The overall message we received was that franchise lenders have robust volume and are looking for more deals.  Below are four key questions and answers from the lender’s conference with over 450 of the most active lenders will help you understand how lenders are thinking. Q:  How loose are SBA lender’s credit boxes? A:  Deferments […]

Well… we saw this coming for franchise lending. What we alerted you about in our last communication is about to happen. SBA will no longer be in the business of determining franchise affiliation. The deadline for the comment period is December 27th, 2022. Read the proposed rule here – https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/10/26/2022-23167/affiliation-and-lending-criteria-for-the-sba-business-loan-programs “SBA proposes to remove paragraph (f)(5), affiliation […]

In my more than 15 years of Commercial/SBA lending experience, I have gained some valuable insights in helping others to start and expand their businesses as a lender. They relate well back to some very wise sayings I have heard throughout my life. The 5 things new borrowers need to know will be structured around […]
