The Franchise Registry Eligibility Certification Program for SBA Lending

The Franchise Registry Eligibility Certification Program for SBA Lending


100+ Brands representing more than 17,700 units across the US now have their Certificate of Franchisor Eligibility available to franchise lenders.

Since the SBA Franchise Directory went away in May of 2023, both franchisors and lenders alike have had great concern and confusion. FRANdata has created the Franchise Registry Eligibility Certification Program to alleviate these issues and confirm eligibility. Offered as part of their Franchise Registry membership, more than a hundred brands have their certificate signed and available to the 9000+ franchise lenders on the Franchise Registry, and more are providing their signed certificates every day.


Why is having the Franchisor Eligibility Certificate important?

Currently, lenders are immersed in the challenges of navigating franchise eligibility, mainly due to the significant overhaul of the SOP. This substantial shift has demanded their full attention; we are anticipating a shift in focus towards franchises in the near future. In light of this, we’ve taken proactive steps to address their fear of uncertainty.


What is the Certificate of Franchisor Eligibility?

This certificate serves as validation that brands adhere to established rules. Although affiliation rules have been eliminated, eligibility criteria remain in effect. It confirms continued compliance with SBA eligibility rules for brands that were previously on the SBA Franchise Directory and confirms compliance for those not previously listed on the SBA franchise directory.



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